Contact us
Please quote your National Insurance number or Pensioner Payroll number on all correspondence and be aware that we cannot provide financial advice.
- by email: pensions@worcestershire.gov.uk
- by post: Worcestershire Pension Fund, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
- by phone: see contacts listed below
Teachers: for information on your pension scheme please contact the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, or if Liberata are your school’s payroll provider email WccSES@liberata.com.
If we contact you by email and that email includes personal information, we will make use of Cisco Registered Envelope Service unless you have emailed us from a secure email domain like Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo.
Worcestershire Pension Fund is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) which means our staff are unable to give advice about investments or how you can manage your pension benefits. We can provide you with information about how your pension benefits have been calculated and direct you to current Government information.
Address changes
You can now update your address via our new member portal here: Worcestershire Pension Fund's member portal. Alternatively, please call us to get this updated.
When a member dies it is important that whoever is looking after their affairs lets us know as soon as possible, so that we can:
- stop the pension being paid (if the member was a pensioner)
- put in place any new pensions which may be due
If you need to notify us about a death and have not yet used the Tell Us Once service which allows bereaved citizens to inform multiple government organisations and public sector pension providers at once, you can alternatively email a completed death notification form and a Death Certificate to pensions@worcestershire.gov.uk or call us:
- surnames from A to D: Karen Philpott kphilpott@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 846596
- surnames from E to H: Lynda Edwards ledwards@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 846551
- surnames from I to K : Caroline Wiggin cwiggin@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845904
- surnames from L to O: Nigel Henry nhenry@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 846528
- surnames from P to S: Judith Carpenter jcarpenter@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845815
- surnames from T to Z: Sharon Elt selt@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845382
Current/deferred member address changes and death grant nomination forms
- Louis Prescot: lprescot@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 643128
Employer contributions
- Anna Vile: avile@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 843548
Sherief Loutfy - Head of Pension Investment and Financial Planning SLoutfy@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 843103
New starters/refunds
- surnames from A to D: Lisa Hadley lhadley@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 843545
- surnames from E to L: John Frost jfrost@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 766058
- surnames from M to S: Vlad Miagkikh vmiagkikh@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 766043
- surnames from T to Z: Karen Plumpton KPlumpton@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 844 593
Pension estimates and deferred benefits
- surnames from A to C: Sarah Goodman sgoodman@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 765709
- surnames from D to G: Mary Thomas mthomas3@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 643963
- surnames from H to L: Victoria Wishart vwishart@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 766087
- surnames from M to R: Keeley Carpenter KCarpenter@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 766498
- surnames from S to Z: Cheryl Hamer-Carroll CHamerCarroll@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905844524
Pension payroll and actual retirement calculations
- surnames from A to D: Karen Philpott kphilpott@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 846596
- surnames from E to H: Lynda Edwards ledwards@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 846551
- surnames from I to K : Caroline Wiggin cwiggin@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845904
- surnames from L to O: Nigel Henry nhenry@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 846528
- surnames from P to S: Judith Carpenter jcarpenter@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845815
- surnames from T to Z: Sharon Elt selt@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845382
Pensioner address and bank changes
Graham Gurney ggurney@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845766 (non-working days Monday and Friday)
Transfers in of previous LGPS service to Worcestershire Pension Fund
- surnames from A to C: Richard Wishart rwishart@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 766045
- surnames from D to H: Harrison Wishart hwishart@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 643467
- surnames from I to O: Hana Zareen hzareen@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 643124
- surnames from P to S: Stephen Watkins swatkins8@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 643792
- surnames from T to Z: Lauren Colclough LColclough1@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 844891
Transfers out / Cash equivalent transfer values / Purchase of additional pension
- surnames from A to G: John Griffiths jgriffiths2@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845112
- surnames from H to P: Julie Meadows JMeadows@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 845157
- surnames from Q to Z: Maisie Smith MSmith12@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 643037
Member Portal
If you need any help accessing the member portal, please contact us at: