We seek to work in partnership with our employers to administer the LGPS on their behalf.
Our Pension Administration Strategy sets out the LGPS roles and responsibilities of us and our employers all of whom have an allocated, bespoke Fund number.
Information about us, like our bank details and useful reference numbers, is available from the About us area of our website.
Two important examples of when employers can help their employees to receive the information they need from us are by supplying us promptly with Cessation Leavers Form or Pension Starter Form
Information about Discretions is available from the Guides and sample documents page in the LGPC administration resources area of the LGPS Regulations and Guidance website.
We have issued Personal Data Retention Guidance for Employers.
To support our employers we also have a Pensions Development Pathway an Employers “How to” and a What the Fund expects from its employers calendar.
LGPS Guidance for Payroll / HR practitioners explains how employers should deal with their LGPS responsibilities. Find out more information on the LGPS regulations website: LGPS Guidance for Payroll / HR practitioners
Different LGPS regulations may apply to a member depending on their individual circumstances. Find out more information on the LGPS regulations website: LGPS regulations
LGPS regulations are not available from one single, updated source.
Different regulations may apply to a member depending on their individual circumstances.
The LGPS member website provides a wealth of information about the LGPS including a range of short Pensions made simple videos.
Our Guide to the LGPS is written in question and answer format. The guide is for general use and cannot cover every personal circumstance nor does it cover specific protected rights that apply to a very limited number of employees.
A Brief Guide to the LGPS and an LGPS Promotional Leaflet are also available.