Your contributions to the LGPS entitle you to a standard pension and tax-free lump sum at normal pension age, as well as protecting your family on your death. LGPS benefits do not depend on how much you or your employer contribute or on the investment growth we achieve.
Please see our Pensions Factsheet for useful information.
Our Guide to the LGPS is written in question and answer format. The guide is for general use and cannot cover every personal circumstance nor does it cover specific protected rights that apply to a very limited number of employees.
The LGPS member website provides a wealth of information about the LGPS including a range of short Pensions made simple videos:
- what is a pension?
- how your pension works
- looking after your pension
- protection for you and your family
- life after work
- your annual allowance
- transferring your pension
Find out more information on the LGPS member website: LGPS Member website
You can check your state pension age: State Pension Age calculator
It's important to know that changes to State Pension Age are possible in the future. If your State Pension Age increases in the future then your Normal Pension Age for the pension you build up from April 2014 in the LGPS will also be increased.
From age 55 (57 from 6 April 2028) you can choose to resign and access your LGPS benefits.