Employee forms

Employee forms

APC medical declarations form

Download: APC Medical Declarations Form

Only required if purchasing £1,000 or more of extra LGPS pension.

Appeal against a decision we have made

See: Make a complaint

Please complete and return the appeals form on this page to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid. Important note: if you are appealing a decision made by your employer for the first time, the Appeals Form should be sent to your employer.

Cancel 50/50 and re-join the main scheme

Download: 50/50 Cancel Form

Election to cancel 50/50 option and re-join the main scheme. For completion by those members of the LGPS who wish to leave the 50/50 section of the Scheme and move back to the main section of the Scheme.
Please complete and forward to your Payroll Department.

Divorce calculation request form

Download: Divorce Calculation Request Form

Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid.

Join the scheme

Download: Pension Starter Form

Please complete and forward to your Payroll Department who will then forward the form to us once they have admitted you into the scheme. It is essential that you complete a new starter form, each time you start a new post or contract even if you are already in the scheme.

Leave or opt out

Download: Opt-Out Form

Please complete and forward to your Payroll Department who will then forward the form to us once they have opted you out of the scheme.

McCloud: public service pensions history form

Download: McCloud public service pensions history form

Some LGPS members are protected by the McCloud remedy. You can find out more about the McCloud remedy on the website for LGPS members.

Protection depends on when you were a member of the LGPS and any other public service pension scheme. Use this form to let the Worcestershire Pension Fund know about any other relevant pension scheme membership.

Move to 50/50 section

Download: 50/50 Option Form

For completion by those members of the LGPS who wish to leave the main section of the Scheme and move to the 50/50 section of the Scheme.
Please complete and forward to your Payroll Department.

Notify change of personal circumstances

Download: Notify Change of Personal Circumstances Form

Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid.

Notify the death of a member

Download: Death Notification Form 

Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund unless you have already used the: Tell Us Once service (YouTube video) and selected Worcestershire Pension Fund that helps bereaved citizens inform many government organisations and public sector pension providers, just once, of a death provided you select all the local government pension funds you wish to be informed of the death.

Nominate a receiver of death grant

Download: Death Grant Nomination Form

Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid.

Transfer in previous LGPS benefits

Download: Transfer in Previous LGPS Benefits Form

Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid.
Once we have obtained details about your deferred benefits from your previous LGPS fund, we will contact you about your choices and outline the implications for you. You may find our Glossary of terms used for LGPS transfers in of use in understanding your choices and the implications.  

Transfer in previous personal pension or occupational pension scheme benefits

Download: Transfer in Previous Personal Pension or Occupational Pension Scheme Benefits Form

Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid

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