Calculating your benefits
Our annual benefit statement provides you with an indication of:
- what you have built up so far (assuming that you take your benefits at your normal pension age)
- what you might receive at your normal pension age (assuming that you remain in pensionable employment until then)
Your benefits could be made up of three parts:
- For service from 1 April 2014 1/49th of your actual (not final) pay is added to your pension account each year and your account is revalued each April in line with changes in the Consumer Prices Index
- For service between 31 March 2008 and 31 March 2014, your annual pension is worked out by dividing your final pay by 60 and multiplying this by your membership
- For service up to 31 March 2008 your annual pension is worked out by dividing your final pay by 80 and multiplying this by your total membership. In addition you earned a tax-free lump sum of 3 times your annual pension
When you take your benefits affects what you could receive at retirement.
More information and examples of how your benefits are calculated is in using your annual benefit statement to estimate retirement benefits at different dates, our Guide to the LGPS and available from the LGPS member site.