Deferred members forms
Accessing your deferred benefits
Please provide us with your instructions, making sure to provide us with your signature (that can be scanned or supplied as a digital photo of your driving licence or passport), national insurance number, when you would like to retire and whether you are still in the same employment that your deferred benefits were earned in.
Appeal against a decision we have made
See: Make a complaint
Please complete the form on this page and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid. Important note: if you are appealing a decision made by your employer for the first time, the Appeals Form should be sent to your employer.
Divorce calculation request form
Download: Divorce Calculation Request Form
Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid.
Nominate a receiver of death grant
Download: Death Grant Nomination Form
Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid.
Notify change of personal circumstances
Download: Notify Change of Personal Circumstances Form
Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund. This form must be signed and dated or it will not be valid.
Notify the death of a member
Download: Death Notification Form
Please complete and return to Worcestershire Pension Fund unless you have already used the: Tell Us Once service (YouTube video) and selected Worcestershire Pension Fund that helps bereaved citizens inform many government organisations and public sector pension providers, just once, of a death provided you select all the local government pension funds you wish to be informed of the death.
Request for Ill health or compassionate early release of deferred benefits
Download: Sample letter from deferred member to former employer seeking ill health retirement
Please complete and send to your former employer